Problem Domain
Lenovo needed a B2B web strategy that allowed its business vertical to easily cater to various governmental institutions, which all required different hardware solutions, depending on its unique workforce and application.
RW5 Solution
After reviewing the different packages of hardware and computer solutions, RW5 proposed a scalable content strategy and visual language that uniquely and specifically spoke to particular departments, while also being sensitive to development costs and content maintenance. Within the CMS, each department was assigned specific visual templates, content, and recommended hardware solutions. After users selected their respective department within the government, the branding, imagery, and hardware solution content would update, reflecting a customized and branded experience.
AT&T Easy Remote​
Problem Domain
The business ask was to create a mobile app for AT&T U-verse which could be used by the disability community to operate their TV service.
RW5 Solution
Working closely with the Human Factors Labs at AT&T, we concluded the most important and common disabilities to design for: color blindness, visual impairment, and dexterity issues. The beauty of the Easy Remote is truly its simplicity. It allowed users to communicate with the set top box and TV screens using various methods of preference such as speech recognition, gestures controls, and easy to use soft buttons. Easy Remote was also one of the first to have speech recognition capabilities and it went on to win several accolades at CES and the Emmys.
AT&T U-verse TV Application​
Problem Domain
RW5 was asked to re-envision the TV interface, allowing U-verse customers to view and upgrade their services.
RW5 Solution
After wireframing and designing 3 substantially different TV UI concepts with varying degrees of redevelopment efforts, a final best-of-breeds was proposed by the RW5 team. The redesigned experience allowed users to view their current TV channel package and view the benefits of upgrading by displaying branding for popular shows and programming.